We’re so excited to have helped Jimmy and Christine purchase their first home in Peabody MA. The home is located in the town they grew up in and is exactly what the couple had been searching for. The split entry style home has 4 beds, 2 full plus 1 half baths, and a finished lower level with potential for extended family needs. The yard was just the right size for them and even had a beautiful in-ground pool with attached kitchen and bath area.
The Peabody home market is moving very quickly, and we were able to get in and see the home right away. They knew instantly it was the right home for them. We had a great time on a Sunday night at 10pm, the last people at Kelly’s Roast Beef writing up the offer! The offer was accepted and the home was under agreement within a weeks time.
The closing came quickly, and even with the new TRID law in effect, our lending team RMS Mortgage, had all of the bank work done and we were clear to close well ahead of the expected time.
The median listing price for homes in Peabody is $345,860. There are 46 active Peabody real estate listings. 2.2% of the homes in this area are distressed listings, meaning they are either Peabody short sales or foreclosures. The number of Peabody home sales in September dropped by 49% from the previous month.
The percent of owner occupied properties in Peabody is 62.98%. The percent of rental properties in Peabody is 33.27%. This percentage is 14.07% above the United States national average which is typical for urban areas. A higher percentage of owner occupied properties also usually indicates a younger population.
Median household income in Peabody is $66,140 with 854 households earning between $35,000 to $40,000 annually.
For Peabody MA, 18.8% of the people have completed a bachelors degree as their highest education level. 9.8% of the residents have earned an associates degree as their highest level of education attained. 18.74% of the population is reported to have completed some college. 31.97% of the residents in Peabody MA have attained a high school diploma as their highest degree achieved.
The median age for residents of Peabody MA is 46. 43% of these residents are married. There are 22,122 homes in this area. Of the 22,122 homes, 5,744 of those homes include children in the residence.
Ron Carpenito of Keller Williams Realty has been helping home buyers and sellers in the Merrimack Valley with their real estate goals for over 11 years.
If you’d like to experience the wow factor that Jimmy & Christine received, contact Ron Carpenito today at 978-494-0346